Saturday, November 13, 2010

Begging Is Something I Do Not Do.

I love you, even tho its all one sided
Eventually you may come around.
Or maybe not
But one can always hope.
I do what I can to make you want me.
I think of you every second of my day.
You say you do too, but how can I know for sure?
Say you feel the same, but your not good with words -
Let me show you how: I. Love. You.
Three simple words.
They're hard enough to say.
Believe me, I know.
I dont give them away easily.
It took me forever to muster up the courage
To face possible rejection, humiliation.
But I did it.
Why cant you?

Im young, Im immature. That is still no excuse
To be stuck in a rut, living in the past
Of hurts from former loves.
You blame me for their mistakes.
You put me in the box they built.
A box that held things that hurt you.
But they built it for themselves. Not for me.
Let me build my own little box that I can fit inside.
A box you'll like.
A box you'll keep.
Keep me.
Let me love you.
Love me back.
Ive never begged anyone for anything.
But I'm begging you now.
Love me.
And if you cant,
Then let me go.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Simply Me

There's an empty space in my mind
That's never been filled
I wonder now if it'll ever be -
I've tried this and that
One thing, then the next thing.

It's not like I'll write
About darkness smothering
And bloody red tears, just dripping -
I'm over that.
But the empty space is still there, consuming.

It's a muggy grey cloud
That cant be filled,
With posessions, people, things -
Not even happy friends, no.
When I'm in company I'm still alone, quietly.

I could ingore it, quite easily
More often than not
But my mind back to sharp focus always brings -
The silence that is my unique mortality
The silence that is, simply, me.